Telegram is an app that became quite popular in the past few years, especially in 2024. The reason for this is the quality and the anonymity that the app itself has to offer, but a huge factor must’ve been the covid-19 pandemic and the global quarantine as well. In a time where social interaction is limited, people find a way to communicate with each other, and this is where social media platforms and other similar apps such as Telegram are spiking up in popularity.
Telegram works quite similarly to some other apps of the same type, KIK being one of the examples. But, it managed to become one of the most downloaded smartphone applications, so now people are wondering how they can improve their profiles or their groups.
This application is not complicated to use but as a first-time user, you won’t be able to figure it out instantly. Thankfully, we did our homework so that you don’t spend any precious time on researching this on your own. Interested in learning more about the latest Telegram trends and eager to improve your account? This is the right place to be. Let’s take a look.
1. Don’t disregard fully completing your telegram account

Fully completing your account on any social platform is a must if you are willing to increase the number of followers, connections or friends on your list. This is especially important if you are looking to gather up followers in a group that you own and lead. Adding information about the group, what it is about, requirements to join and any other information should be your first step. Your next step should be to complete your own personal account. It’s important for others to know who runs the group and what type of person you are. Once you are done with this, you can move on.
2. Clearly know the goal of your channel even before you start it
The goal of your channel will have a lot of impact on how you’ll “decorate” the group and present it to others. If it’s a group about a network of programmers, you have to personalize it in a manner that’s going to attract people of that profession. If it’s about sports, or betting advice, you’ll have to use a completely different advertising style and appearance for it.
If you want to advertise your telegram group, you’ll have to think of promotional content that’s going to attract people who share the same interest, and that’s not easy to do nowadays. Remember that your telegram group won’t be the only one of that type, so you will have some competition to say the least. If it’s a private group and you are not looking to reach some unbelievable numbers then it might be a bit easier. In case you need some help with polls and voting within your group, you can always check out for some extra help.
3. Constantly put out quality content to attract members

Explain to others what the advantages of being in that telegram group are, add some perks, roles or anything that’s going to make a person feel special for being part of it. This is important if you want to increase the number of members, followers and create a better network of people through your group. Some telegram groups are private but they still need to be advertised. Private groups recruit members as well.
Telegram is nowadays used as a platform for many things. Students for example mostly use it for sharing tasks, homework, ideas and other helpful resources, while business-owners use the app to manage employees more easily, notify them of changes etc. So, it’s a smart idea to create a Telegram group in 2024.
4. Hire someone to moderate and maintain your channel when you can’t

Some telegram public groups reach member counts that go in the thousands, and if this becomes your case, you won’t be able to manage all of those people on your own. Sometimes people get out of control when they’re in such huge numbers, so you’ll probably have to hire someone to moderate and maintain your channel when you won’t be able to.
It’s not a secret that Telegram may be the next WhatsApp or Viber. The app gained just so much attention over the past year and because of this, you should be expecting a huge number of new people in your group if you advertise it properly. And while we’re at advertising, let’s take a look at the final thing you need to do to improve your telegram account, which is linking to social media.
5. Link your Telegram network to social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook

Although Telegram is now really famous, it’s still not more “crowded” than Facebook and Instagram. And, since Facebook and Instagram exist for a lot longer than Telegram, chances are you have more followers on those two platforms than you have members in your TG Group. If that’s so, make sure to link your group and your Telegram account to your already-existing social media platform profiles so that you can “carry-over” all of your current fans and followers to Telegram as well.
Telegram is one of the apps that got the most attention in 2024. Along with Zoom and a few others, due to the covid-19 pandemic, Telegram managed to reach millions of new downloads on the android platform. It’s not a secret that creating a group, either private or public on this application, can be a very helpful thing both for communicating and managing.
Teachers use it, employers use it and students use it as well. Some use it purely for entertainment and chatting purposes. That’s the beauty of Telegram, you can use it for whatever you want to and still get what you want from it. The application itself is user-friendly and you don’t have to be some sort of a tech fanatic in order to work your way through it. The interface is clean and everything is just “out there”.